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Variability of Rhizosphere Microbial Biomass, Mineral Nutrients, and Yield Performance as Affected..

The effect of rhizosphere microorganisms on durum wheat salinity tolerance was investigated in situ in semi-arid areas using contrasted irrigation water salinity (6 and 12 dS m-1). Three landraces (“Bayadha,” “Souri,” and “Agili Glabre”), as well as three modern varieties (“Razzek,” “Karim,” and “Maali”), were examined. Under salinity stress, the microbial biomass carbon (MBC), mineral nitrogen (MN), mineral phosphorus (MP), and grain yield (GY) and its components were all affected by the genotype of durum wheat.Surprisingly, under saline conditions (12 dS m-1) the soil biota of the cultivars "Agili Glabre" and "Maali" increased, primarily at the tillering growth stage. Under saline conditions, principal component analysis distinguished “Agili Glabre” from other cultivars with higher MBC and MP. Salinity conditions, cultivars (landraces or modern varieties), and growth stage are all predictors of GY, according to stepwise regression analysis. Overall, the significance of microbial activity (MBC) and MP at the tillering and flowering growth stages was revealed in this report.These two parameters may be used to evaluate durum wheat genotypic efficiency in terms of salinity tolerance.


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