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Sociocultural Status and Verbal Behavior between Muslim and Santal Couples in Bangladesh | Asian....

Across societies, verbal practises are socioculturally created. The study's goal was to investigate and analyse the relationships between family sociocultural status and verbal conduct among Muslim and Santal spouses in Bangladesh. In order to do so, 70 couples from the Muslim community and 30 couples from the Santal community were chosen at random from the village Kalna in the Tanore Upazila in Bangladesh's Rajshahi region. Data was gathered through the use of a questionnaire and an interview methodology. Using an independent sample t-test and Pearson's bivariate correlation approach, the data was studied to see if family sociocultural status influenced linguistic behaviour between Muslim and Santal couples. The data found that Santal couples in rural Bangladesh were more chatty, assertive, and socially communicative than Muslim ones. The Muslim and Santal couples in Bangladesh have different linguistic practises due to social differences. The findings could have ramifications in future studies.


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