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Influence of Service Recovery Strategy on Customer Loyalty | Asian Journal of Economics, Finance and

The influence of service recovery tactics on customer loyalty in three fast food enterprises in Umuahia metropolis, Abia State, was investigated using a four-factor model derived from prior studies. The structural model was tested with Smart-PLS structural equation modelling (SEM) 3.2.6 because it was a cross-sectional survey based on a likert structured questionnaire. Apology, explanation, refund, and replacement are positive but non-significant predictors of customer loyalty, according to 91 valid responses, with the model explaining 10.7% of variance in customer loyalty. According to the report, service failures should be recovered instantly, promptly, and correctly, mostly through compensation measures, which can boost customer and loyalty. It suggests that a proposed framework on the relationship between service recovery and customer loyalty be used.


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