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Factors Influencing Adoption of Electronic-Marketing among Small and Medium Enterprises in Nigeria:

E-marketing may be defined as the use of technology to plan and conduct marketing operations with the goal of meeting recognised demands. However, there are differences in the real elements that impact its adoption across Nigerian small and medium businesses. The study's main goal is to uncover the essential characteristics that impact SME adoption of e-marketing. The study analysed twenty-five papers to determine the factors that impact SMEs' adoption of e-marketing. Factors cited three times or more were included in the study using descriptive statistics. We tallied and gave frequencies to the e-marketing adoption criteria that were cited more than three times. IT infrastructure, IT knowledge, and IT skills were among the eleven criteria found. IT expertise, owner education level, resource availability, perceived compatibility, business size, IT specialists, attitude, and financial resources are all factors. Furthermore, IT infrastructure (64%) and IT awareness (54%) were found to be the most important determinants in SMEs' adoption of e-marketing in Nigeria. The essential elements highlighted in this study should be considered when making an e-marketing adoption choice. Finally, more research should be conducted using primary data to determine the elements that impact SMEs' adoption of e-marketing.


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