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Effect of Supplementation on Feed Intake and Body Weight Gain of Abergelle Goats in Tigray.....

The feeding trial took place at the Abergelle Agricultural Research Center's breed evaluation and distribution facility in Tigray, North Ethiopia's centre zone. The goal of this research was to find the best supplementing strategy for improving feed utilisation and animal performance. The local market yielded twenty-four yearling uncastrated male growing Abergelle goats. The acquired goats' average beginning weight was 14.2 1.09 kg. The goats were randomly assigned to one of three food options using a randomised complete block design (dietary treatments). Treatment 1 (43 percent wheat bran + 35 percent cotton seed cake + 20 percent molasses), treatment 2 (43 percent wheat bran + 35 percent noug seed cake + 20 percent maize grain), and treatment 3 (33 percent wheat bran + 45 percent dried brewery grain + 20 percent molasses) were made up of different industrial by-products. The extra feeds were designed to meet the experimental animals' growth requirements based on their body weight. The experiment lasted 90 days and included a feeding trial, a 14-day adaptation trial, a 7-day digestibility study, and a 3-day adaptation trial for carrying faecal collection bags. Each animal was given ad libitum grass hay and clean water. Following proper protocols, data on feed intake, nutritional intake, digestibility, and body weight change were gathered. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used on the acquired data, with the least significant difference mean separation. There was no difference in feed intake or nutritional digestibility between the treatments (p > 0.05). The supplementary feeds had an effect on body weight gain and feed conversion efficiency (p 0.05), with the goat group in treatment two performing better. When compared to treatment one and treatment three, the marginal rate of return (MRR) for the identical animal group was similarly greater, demonstrating the producer's economic benefit. Based on the local availability of feeds, animal producers are encouraged to use supplements options two and three in that order.

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