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Effect of Rehydration Methods on Sensitivity of Desiccated-frozen Groundnut Seeds.....

The influence of several rehydration procedures on the sensitivity of desiccated frozen seeds on seed viability improvement was investigated in this study using two groundnut genotypes (Barberton and ICGV121). In contrast to directly sowed seeds, desiccated-frozen seeds of the two genotypes were rehydrated using pre-humidification and pre-heating to investigate sensitivity of desiccated-frozen seeds under these alternative rehydration methods. Desiccated-frozen seed germination percentages were determined as a function of rehydration treatments. The Quantal Quadric response model was used to calculate seed desiccation sensitivity (WC50). The findings revealed that rehydration treatments reduced the sensitivity of desiccated-frozen seeds, particularly when the initial rate of water uptake is slow to avoid harmful imbibition injury.

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