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Development of an HPLC Method for the Quality Control of Chinese Herbal Medicinal Formulation:

San Huang Xi Ji (Three Yellow Cleanser) is a long-established external Chinese Herbal Medicinal (CHM) formulation for the treatment of a variety of skin disorders. It has a lot of cosmeceutical promise, but cosmetic legislation needs quality control (QC) at any point of the manufacturing process. Based on their corresponding phytomarkers Berberine, Baicalein, and Emodin, a single-run HPLC-UV method for simultaneous qualitative and quantitative analysis of three of the four herbal substances (Rhubarb root, Phellodendron stem bark, and Skullcap root) was developed.Chromatographic separation was carried out on a ZORBAX TC-C18(2) column (250 x 4.6 mm i.d., 5 mm) at 30°C with mobile phases 0.1 percent phosphoric acid in water (A) and 0.1 percent phosphoric acid in acetonitrile (B) in the gradient mode 0 – 3 min, 90 percent A; 3 – 4 min, 90 – 80 percent A; 4 – 9 min, 80 percent A Surprisingly, when the TYC extract was compared to the four herbal extracts, the quantitative analysis showed possible synergistic/antagonistic extraction results.


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