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Antioxidant and Anti Nitrosative Selectivity Index of Selected Antidiabetic Plants

The rise in diabetes cases in Nigeria has prompted researchers to look for new treatments. The ability of aqueous extracts of 27 commonly used medicinal plants in this country to scavenge DPPH and nitric oxide (NO) radicals in vitro was tested. A. senegalensis, B. ferruginea, D. ogea, K. ivorensis, K. senegalensis, T. bangwensis, and S. guineense were the only extracts that scavenged both. In the DPPH assay, both of these extracts had a higher antioxidant effect with lower EC50 values of less than 20 g/ml.In the DPPH assay, the presence of compounds with free labile hydrogen atoms is sufficient to produce strong antioxidant results, while NO scavenging necessitates the presence of compounds that can compete with oxygen to shape nitrite ions. The extracts of A. senegalensis, K. senegalensis, and S. guineense showed the most promising behaviours in terms of selectivity against NO (SIDPPH/NO > 0.4). HPLC-UV was used to classify known antioxidants in the extracts.There was evidence of caffeine, epicatechin, epigallocatechin, gallic acid, ellagic acid, quercitrin, rutin, vitexin, and vitexin rhamnoside. As a result, extracts containing unique NO, such as A. senegalensis, K. senegalensis, and S. guineense, may be useful antioxidants in hyperglycaemic conditions.


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